Friday 1 April 2011

Digby says click & treat!

The 'boys' have always been ruled by their stomachs.  As a result training them what behaviours are expected in public has been a simple task.

Last week, we started on an adventure with Ren with a type of obedience training that is new to us; Clicker Training.

While working with a new dog is always rewarding, it can also be entertaining when you have multiple critters joining in on the practice sessions.   This week's adventure was with lesson 1, getting the dog to associate that the click was a promise of a reward.....    The trainer advised that we were to use nothing but a portion of the dog's normal kibble in the home setting and reserve "high value treats" at class & in public settings.

Last night I diced up liver treats and cheese with Digby's assistance. Now that the bait bag was loaded with liver, cheese & the clicker  I set off to collect Ren to head out for class #2.

All was well in Digby Dawg's world until he came to the realization that the bait bag was in the car and he was not......   

A short while later Ren & I arrive home from school to a wonderful greeting from our Digby Dawg.   We settle in the kitchen to tidy up when Digby Dawg notices the bait bag & clicker are back on the counter. What joy he displays, as he waltzes over to the counter and proceeds to launch the clicker clear across the kitchen with his nose.  Now that he has my attention he trots back across the kitchen and points to the cookie jar.....

I haven't laughed that hard in a very long time.  He had just demonstrated that he learned week one's lesson well and was communicating very effectively that he wanted a reward.  The loose translation in Digby's world goes something along the lines of " Click that thingy!  I want a treat!"  Yes, he got rewarded.  I now hope & pray to doG that he doesn't learn how to open the fridge.